Here's How To Create 100x Better Headline That Isn't Suck And Boring

Do this, you go viral

Are you clueless as to why your posts aren’t getting the traffic like everyone else after putting blood, sweat, and tears into writing the content? This man has the answer.

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It’s because your headline sucks and boring. It sucks and boring because you don’t give a damn about your headline. You put 99% effort into writing the content but only a pathetic 1% for the headlines. People end up don’t give a single fuck and ignoring your work just like how hot girls wouldn’t even look at fat and broke 30-year-old dudes who fanboy over a waifu.

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Here’s what David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising, said about headlines.

On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar

I never write fewer than 16 headlines for a single ad.

That’s how important a headline is. Don’t worry. I’m here to help you become less suck at writing, one post at a time. So now, I’m going to give you a quick fundamental lesson in writing headlines.

Use powerful words.

Powerful words don’t mean jargon or overused, robotic words like “skyrocket”. Powerful words mean words that evoke emotion because weak words get weak results.

For example, the headline of this article. I used the word “100x”, “suck” and “boring.” That’s why you’re reading my post now :)

I wrote for a tech company recently and the proposed title was “Here Are The Sales Tools We Used to Make $1.23M in 12 Months.” It’s okay. Not bad. But it’s the typical corporate title 🤮, it’s wordy and bland, doesn’t have the oomph, and doesn’t evoke much emotion. I don’t want something typical. I want to stand out.

So, I changed it to “We Amass $1.23M in 12 Months With These Sales Tools.” Now, that’s better and shorter. "Amass" can trigger emotions like desire, ambition, or even a bit of envy. These strong emotions are more likely to attract people to click.

One more thing, don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers or piss off a segment of society because all viral content has some negative pressure driving it. You’re not here to win a Nobel Peace Prize! You’re here to win eyeballs and traffic!

Say you have to write about the best USA fast food brand. Instead of saying “10 Best USA Fast Food Brands”, you could say “10 USA Fast Food Brands Obese Love” with the subtitle “If obese love it, it must be that good.”

Want to learn more about headlines? Read this next